by web specialist | Search Engine Optimization
Last Friday Google launched a new update affecting the ranking of many website rankings. This change was directed to Exact Match Domains (hence EMD), in other words website who’s domain name matched the search. In the past if your url contained the exact keywords of...
by web specialist | Editor's Pick, Search Engine Optimization
With the recent Google penguin update a few websites got hit in ranking, if this is one of you I recommend you read on. If you are just curious also keep reading. Let’s understand what the penguin update is all about. Google has been on a mission to make sure the...
by web specialist | Editor's Pick, Search Engine Optimization
You might have heard that reciprocal linking is a bad thing and you also might have heard that it is a good thing, so you wonder which statement is true; the truth is both statements are actually false. There are good links and bad links, good links actually help your...
by web specialist | Search Engine Optimization, Website Design
Chiropractic, Medical and Massage website online Here is a new website for a Holistic medical, chiropractic, massage and injury treatment clinic in Minneapolis. You can go to the website directly at The design was done to keep a colorful...
by web specialist | Editor's Pick, General, Search Engine Optimization
So what is all this fuss about Facebook and why should a company have a Facebook fan page? There are definitely benefits from being able to reach your customers socially but I’m going to skip all of those and talk to you from the Search Engine Optimization point of...