by web specialist | Editor's Pick, General, Website Design
Do you need a blog, a forum or a social network? First of all let me explain what they are. A blog: A blog is website (or a section of your website) that let’s you post comments and articles. It is easy to post things on a blog allowing you to add entryes to...
by web specialist | Search Engine Optimization
If you build it they would come? Well maybe that is true for a baseball field but it is definitely not the case for a website. Think of your website as a beautiful newsletter; you need to create it (which include design and printing) and you need to mail it. Building...
by web specialist | Editor's Pick, Search Engine Optimization
When your potential customers search for something they will usually search by using a phrase (a series of words). Your very first job, before writing a single word of text, is to discover what that phrase or phrases are. Let us say we want to sell flowers in Burbank...